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In 2008, Sélifa BOUKARI MCGREEVY  began her crusade against human

trafficking of both boys and girls and  the practice of FGM by creating

SAVE LIVES PROJECT.  With SAVE LIVES, she visited one of Togo's most

notorious villages for these activities - Tindjassi Sarakawa.   After meeting with

village leaders, she hosted a meal for the public and distributed donated school supplies.   

In 2014, the SAVE LIVES PROJECT received funding from Le Fonds d’Aide à la Culture (Fund for Cultural Aid), a division of Togo's Ministère de la Communication, de la Culture, des Sports et de la Formation Civique (Ministry of Communication, Culture, Sports and Civic Training) ("Fund").  This Fund promotes arts and culture in Togo by financially supporting artists, as well as supporting culture projects having a positive impact on the population.

With the Fund sponsoring her vision, Sélifa worked with six Togo prefectures: (i) Bassar (Bassar), (ii) Tchaoudjo (Sokodé), (iii) Tan (Tan), (iv) Oti (Mango), (v) Sotouboua (The Plain of the Mo), and (vi) Alsolin (Mafilo).  Prefectures are local districts governed by a prefect (e.g., chief officer or magistrate). Her goal was to raise the public's awareness on the harmful outmoded practices of FGM, forced child marriages and gender-based violence.  She met and spoke with village and religious leaders (both men and women) about these practices and their consequences, not only on the development of its women and girls, but the impact on their communities.

In conjunction with the above activities, Sélifa shared her film "AFRICAN HEART" by having multiple free public screenings.  This film chronicles her story of being a FGM survivor and its effect on her life.  Screenings were held in the following villages:

 · Kadambara 

 · Kparatao

 · Wassarabou

 · Aguidagbade

 · Yelivo

 · Sabarigade

 · Aouda

 · Adjengre

 · Bassar

 · Bafilo

 · Aleheride

 · Et sokode ville

 · Tindjassi sarakawa

 · Boulowou

 · Djarkpangan

Many of the villages were in such remote locations, that the only place to screen the film was against the sides of buildings. 

After each screening, there was a discussion with the audience.   A number of the film's actors attended those screenings, sharing their feelings on the film's subject matter.

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